
omnia vincit amor; et nos cedamus amori


Ecstatic is the feeling that the heart is feeling ....
Clarity is the feeling that the mind is feeling ....
The rush in my senses....
The heightened excitement....
The smile inside the heart unseen by the world ...
The Angel of my life stepped back in my world at last....

I found you!!!!

My heart looks for a place that is warm,
This cold night is drenching me in deep inside.
The time you took to embrace me, this life has bloomed so elegantly.
what we have today ,what we have there
is a beautifully spun web of a relationship
beautifully created without knowing or with confusion
this new place we reached in our heart.
In this present and future unknown
this love is enough.
The eyes are yours, but all the miseries are mine
you feel happy and sad both at a time
when love comes into your life!
I found you!!!!

Passing Cloud

A passing cloud that kept floating all around the sky ,
one fine day decided to come find me back....
I knew in my heart that I didn't wanna let go of it to wander of again...
The softness and the sheer beauty of it captured me completely ...
The immense pleasure and joy I felt was incomparable ...
I was alive ...The moment didn't last...
High winds is pushing the cloud away from where I am...
Its happening all over again, and
there is no strings ever made that
I can tie it up with this time ..

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